Hinewai Lorraine Thomas Whānau Trust
Client Account: CLI-00013942
Tēnā koe
Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua. Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō tātou.
As man disappears from sight, the land remains. Seek knowledge for the sake of our wellbeing.
Invitation to attend Meeting of Owners – Te Kata
Date: Monday 9th November 2020
Time: 2pm
Venue: Christchurch Airport Gateway Motel
45 Roydvale Avenue, Burnside
Christchurch 8053
Meeting agenda
He whakatuwheratanga
1. Whakawhanaungatanga
2. Apologies
3. Te Tumu Paeroa
4. Tō koutou whenua
5. Main points of last meeting
6. Owners’ report
7. Financial statements
8. Future administration
a. Māori Trustee to remain as the responsible trustee with advisory trustees; OR
b. Owners to replace Māori Trustee as responsible trustee
i. Nominations for responsible trustees
9. Review/Nomination of Advisory Trustees
10. Review of trust
11. Variation of trust
12. Future aspirations
13. Distributions
14. General business
15. My Whenua – online service
16. Whakahokia ngā korero
He whakakapinga
Tō koutou whenua
Te Kata is a 102.474 hectare property situated on Western Valley Road, Little River, Banks Peninsula, and is approximately 40 kilometres from Lincoln. The land comprises of three gullies and is predominantly steep to very steep in contour. The block can be accessed from adjoining land.
The effective area, approximately 75 hectares, is currently utilised for sheep and beef cattle. The balance of the land can be attributed to bush, gorse, scrub and fern.
On 28th September 1977 the Māori Trustee was appointed as Responsible Trustee for your whenua. Te Tumu Paeroa supports the Māori Trustee to carry out her duties and responsibilities and our team work with owners to protect and grow Māori land and assets.
This meeting of owners is a chance for you to find out what’s happening on your whenua and to talk to us about your wishes for the future of this block.
Please let us know if you’re coming (by phone, email or post) before Monday 2nd November 2020.
When you get in touch we need to know your name, client account number and name of your whenua (found at the top of this letter). If you’d like a text reminder a week before the meeting please send us your mobile number and we’ll be in text contact. Here are all of our contact details:
· Call us on 0800 WHENUA (0800 943 682) between 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
· Email us at hui@tetumupaeroa.co.nz
· Send a letter to: Freepost Authority Te Tumu Paeroa
P O Box 5038
Wellington 6140
Owner meetings cost money and time to hold. Any costs for owners meetings are charged back to your Trust funds so letting us know if you can make it or not is important. It helps us make the best use of people’s time and money.
Owners’ report
At the meeting you’ll get an owners’ report which has a summary of your land and assets. If you can’t make the meeting, or would like the report before hand, you can see it online in My Whenua* or call or email us and we’ll send one out to you. We’re able to email this to you at no cost but if you want a hard copy posted it will cost your trust fund $15 per copy.
Review and variation of trust application
Māori Land Trusts must be reviewed from time to time by the Māori Land Court. Following your meeting of owners Te Tumu Paeroa will be filing an application for review and variation of this Trust and its administration with the Māori Land Court.
You are welcome to attend the Court hearing and as soon as we’ve been given a date, place and time for the hearing, we’ll post this information on our website: www.tetumupaeroa.co.nz.
The Court will also advertise this hearing on their website. If you’ve given us your email address or registered for My Whenua, we’ll be in touch through these channels as soon as we know.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday 9thNovember 2020 in Christchurch.
Nāku noa, nā
Brae Watkins
NTrust and Property Director