Korey Gibson - Health is Earned

22 May 2024


I believe that, as human beings, we often overlook the fact that wellness is a gift.

Many of us are granted a certain level of wellness from birth, but we tend to neglect it as we grow through poor choices, inadequate education, and bad habits passed down from our social circles.

As leaders, it's our responsibility to instill healthy habits within our whānau, making them a normal part of life.

We should exercise 1-2 times a day, drink mainly water and green tea, and avoid sugary drinks. We should steer clear of vegetable and seed oils, opting for whole foods instead.

Prioritising sleep, connection, and education over social interactions that do not serve us is crucial. Be a role model when it comes to health; we only get one body, so take care of it through vigourous and soft activities, stretching, breathing, and proper nourishment.

If you'd like to know more about living with maximum vitality, contact Korey Gibson today at evolve@whai.life

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